Body Lift (Circular Lipectomy Fleur de lis Lipectomy)

A body lift, also known as circular lipectomy or fleur de lis lipectomy, is a procedure designed to remove skin after major weight loss or bariatric surgeries. The fleur de lis technique involves using an inverted t-shaped incision in order to treat a wider area of the abdomen and remove large amounts of loose skin. This is similar to a tummy tuck; however, a tummy tuck may be limited to only a certain type of weight loss and may not tighten the skin in the vertical direction. A body lift includes the upper vertical skin and the lower skin, which allows Dr. Campos-Leon to tighten the abdominal skin from the sides as well as up and down. 

What is the necessary aftercare?

After the procedure, dressings or bandages are applied to the areas of incisions. Compression garments must be worn during recovery to minimize swelling and support the abdomen as it heals. A drainage system is inserted near the incisions in order to drain excess blood or fluid that may collect. Dr. Campos-Leon will provide more details about aftercare following the procedure.

During the first days, the abdomen may be swollen and some discomfort or pain may appear, these can be controlled with medication that the doctor indicates. Depending on the extent of the surgery, the patient will be discharged after a few hours, or may remain in hospital for 1 to 2 days. At first it will be necessary to avoid all kinds of physical efforts, however walking will be very important. The external skin points will be removed between 7 and 21 days after the procedure, and the suction drainage one week later.

Body Lift

Symptoms and side effects that may occur

Moderate pain, this may appear in the immediate postoperative period, and is relieved with analgesics.

Small bleeding and / or sero-bloody discharge from the incision in the first 48 hours.

Slight increase in temperature (up to 38º C) in the first 48 hours.

Swelling in the abdomen and pubic region. This gradually diminishes, disappearing around the third week.

Small areas with bruises in the abdominal region, which will gradually disappear around the fourth week.

The sensitivity of the abdomen will be decreased in the postoperative period, progressively normalizing.


There are countless cases of fleur de lis lipectomy performed successfully. However, concern when undergoing this type of procedure is normal. When this is done by a qualified surgeon, the results are usually great, so it is important to always go to professionals. However, whenever surgery is performed, there are risks as well as complications related to this particular procedure. The complications that can occur with this surgery are infection or venous thrombi, however they are not frequent. The infection resolves with antibiotics and drainage; whereas venous thrombi can be prevented with leg movement as soon as recovery allows. Poor healing can produce a noticeable scar that may require surgical correction. However, all these risks can be reduced by carefully following the instructions provided by the surgeon before and after surgery, especially those that are necessary to resume physical activity.





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