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Mastopexy, also known as a breast lift, is part of one of the cosmetic breast procedures offered by Dr. Jaime Campos-Leon. This procedure involves raising the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. Mastopexy rejuvenates your breasts and gives a figure that is fuller and more youthful. 

There are different types of incisions where the excess breast tissue is removed and the breast is lifted. Dr. Campos-Leon will discuss these options before the procedure.

Who are the ideal candidates?

First of all, breast lift treatment is recommended for women who are not pregnant, have a good health condition and indicated weight, do not smoke and have sagging breasts.

Although there will be no alterations in breastfeeding with this operation, Dr. Jaime Campos-León always recommends that this surgery be performed after the pregnancy and breastfeeding stage, so that there will be no later alterations in the final results. As mentioned by the team and Dr. Jaime Campos-León, since this treatment is aesthetic, it will require a lot of patient participation, so it is recommended that this breast lift be performed on people aware that they will need a lot of care.

2 Mastopexy Breast Lift


Like all surgery performed by Dr. Jaime Campos-León, first will be the step of analysis and evaluation. The specialist surgeon examined in detail the conditions in which the breasts fall, this in terms of skin firmness. These possible reactions can occur, among other things. This not only allows the specialist to verify if the person is a candidate for the breast lift but also helps the patient to know the conditions in which they are found.

Usually, the surgeon will recommend at least eight hours of fasting, intake of pills such as aspirin, an anticoagulant medication, loose clothing that does not squeeze the area after the operation, and the patient.


The anesthesia used in the breast lift is usually general, and the surgery can last about two to three hours, depending a lot on the patient’s conditions and the technique that Dr. Jaime Campos-Leon will use. As mentioned, this surgical procedure can be performed at the time of breast augmentation, a reconstruction operation, or a single treatment.

To begin the process, Dr. Jaime Campos-Leon will make small incisions to reposition the nipple and areola to provide a lifted appearance and incisions to remove excess skin or fat in the area. Although they may be excessive incisions, these cuts are made in less visible areas and small, so the scars will be almost imperceptible and fade over time.


Once the breast lift surgery is completed, Dr. Jaime Campos-Leon will make a detailed observation of the manipulated area to detect if there may be any problems after the operation. Also, patients will be notified of the care and recommendations they should follow and any symptoms that may occur, such as bruising, sensitivity, or complications.


As for the recommendations, patients must use a special bra that should only be removed when cleaning the breasts. A few hours after surgery, discomfort can be generated, so the patient should take the painkillers indicated by the surgeon Dr. Jaime Campos-Leon. Once two or three weeks have passed since the breast lift operation, the patient should go to the clinic to remove the stitches and analyze the breasts’ condition.


After the procedure, dressings or bandages are applied to the areas of incisions and you will be given an elastic bandage support bra to minimize swelling and support the breasts as they heal. Dr. Campos-Leon will communicate more information about the necessary after care procedures following the surgery. 

In addition to the above recommendations, patients must eat a proper diet and perform only necessary activities to help the breasts heal properly. Also, Dr. Jaime Campos-Leon will indicate the possible complications that may occur, so that they can be detected early and treated during a follow up. 

The first days are very important for recovery, so it will be necessary for the patient to be at rest. This does not mean that patients cannot walk or climb stairs; what should be avoided is extreme effort such as physical activity and sudden movement of arms. The recovery time will depend heavily on the person’s health conditions and how well the patient is carrying out the recommendations that Dr. Jaime Campos-Leon indicated.

Approximately two to three days after the surgery, the patient should attend a follow up at the clinic to check on the status and healing process of the breast lift. In general, by following and performing the necessary care, the patient will be able to return to their work activities after a week, of course, without performing any heavy physical activity that could affect the area. Adding more information about the recovery process, patients must not expose themselves directly to the sun’s rays until the body has reduced the inflammation. As for the total recovery, this will depend very much on each person and the possible pain they may have.

The results obtained with breast lift surgery can last many years. Still, patients must carry out the necessary recommendations and care properly so that the results are long-lasting. If you need more information or would like to make an appointment, please call us, and we will be happy to assist you.





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