Cheek and Chin enhancement constitute a variety of procedures designed to give a rejuvenated and aesthetically pleasing appearance to the face.
What is cheek augmentation?
Cheek augmentation is a procedure that adds volume or lifts the cheeks. This procedure is done when the cheeks lose volume and sag due to age. The most common technique for cheek augmentation is fat grafting with the patient’s own fat for a more natural look, or the use of cheek implants. A non-surgical option is the use of fillers to enhance the cheeks.
What is cheek reduction?
Buccal fat removal, or cheek reduction, is a procedure that thins the cheeks, specifically in the area of the cheek hollows. This surgery removes the buccal fat pad in the cheek hollow area. This procedure is not recommended for patients who already have a slim face as age will make the face seem too hollow.

What is mentoplasty?
Mentoplasty, or chin surgery, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the chin either by enhancement with an implant or reduction on the bone. This procedure is designed to improve the proportions of the face and the harmony of its facial features.
What does recovery look like?
After the procedure, gauze dressings, bandages, and compression garments may be applied to the incision depending on the surgery. Special diets may be required during healing. Dr. Campos-Leon will provide more details about aftercare following the procedures.

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