VASER ® liposuction, also known as HD Lipo or ultrasonic assisted liposuction, is a body-shaping procedure that uses ultrasonic waves to remove targeted deposits of fat.
How does Vaser Liposuction work?
Vaser Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that begins with the injection of tumescent fluid, a saline solution that numbs the surgical site, shrinks the blood vessels in the area, and increases the volume of the targeted site. This preparation makes the fat cells easier to remove.
Dr. Campos-Leon then makes several small incisions and introduces a series of ultrasonic probes. The probes create high-frequency vibrations that loosen and break down the fat cells, while simultaneously emulsifying the injected liquid. This allows Dr. Campos-Leon to use a small cannula to remove the mixture of liquid and broken-down fat cells.
During standard liposuction, the excess fat is only removed from select body parts. In Vaser liposuction, the fat is removed, but in a strategic way that lets the muscles underneath show through for more definition. This gets rid of the deepest, superficial, and subdermal layers of fat.


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